Day: June 4, 2023

Top 5 Reasons Reviewers and Critics Name Tesla the Worst Luxury Car

Dive into the critical reasons why top auto reviewers & journalists name Tesla the worst luxury car brand, shedding light on aspects like build quality, interior comfort, feature availability, customer service, and high

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Hotted up Holden Commodore V8s might be gone, but this company is now responsible for the likes of the Toyota Tundra, Ram 1500, Mitsubishi Triton Xtreme and more! – Car News

Among the online white-noise continues the theme of `we don’t make anything in this country any more’. It’s the great post-car-making dirge that keeps online trolls and nay-sayers busy for hours on end.

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Would you reduce your driving to less than 10,000 km per year to save on your car insurance? – Poll

Poll: Car insurance? Castanet – Jun 3, 2023 / 7:30 am | Story: 430008 Photo: Contributed Here’s some incentive to find other modes of transportation when you can. ICBC is offering a new

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