Category: Australia

Kia EV9 Reviews | Overview

Overview   THIS is a big moment for Kia Australia – figuratively and literally. The EV9 is the largest Kia model ever sold in our market, and the most expensive vehicle ever to

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Kia Australia to guarantee future value of EVs

Kia to launch guaranteed value program across full line-up, spurred on by fears over EV depreciation Kia Australia will launch its own guaranteed future value (GFV) program nationally from next year, in a

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Popular brand launches surprising new SUV

The latest machine from the booming car maker is unlike anything it has sold before and pushes it into uncharted territory. Kia is going after the top end of town with its first

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Game-changer: Here comes the $40k Tesla Model 2 – Car News

Elon Musk has reportedly confirmed work will now begin on the long-awaited Tesla Model 2, with the cut-price model to be even cheaper than expected. The news comes from trusted outlet Reuters, who

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New electric vehicle charger open to the public

A new 50kw public electric vehicle charger is now operating in the Flagstaff Hill carpark. Warrnambool City Councillor Richard Ziegeler said that the charger would help drive tourism to Warrnambool. “In the first

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2025 Ford Ranger plug-in hybrid set to cost more with South African production

The first hybrid Ford Ranger will be built in a different factory to the rest of the ute’s Australian line-up – and slapped with an import tariff despite its eco-friendly image. View 7 images

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How car insurance companies are failing migrants and refugees

Refugees and new migrants to Australia face a number of challenges getting up to speed with their new country and society. And it turns out that car insurance companies aren’t helping.

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Toyota builds its 300-millionth vehicle

The world’s biggest car maker made its first car in 1935 and recently reached the 300 million mark across its Japanese and global factories. View 5 images Toyota has announced it has produced its

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Hybrid car sales surge in third quarter

The quarterly update of the AAA’s EV Index shows the Australian new vehicle market continuing to change. Hybrid vehicle sales grew very strongly in the September quarter, taking market share from both internal

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US car-makers claim AM radio will cost billions to keep in electric vehicles

A lobby group for the biggest car-makers in the US claims forcing brands to keep AM radio in electric vehicles will cost billions of dollars by the end of the decade – but

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