Hotted up Holden Commodore V8s might be gone, but this company is now responsible for the likes of the Toyota Tundra, Ram 1500, Mitsubishi Triton Xtreme and more! – Car News

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  • Hotted up Holden Commodore V8s might be gone, but this company is now responsible for the likes of the Toyota Tundra, Ram 1500, Mitsubishi Triton Xtreme and more! – Car News

Among the online white-noise continues the theme of `we don’t make anything in this country any more’.

It’s the great post-car-making dirge that keeps online trolls and nay-sayers busy for hours on end.

No, Australia doesn’t build whole cars from flat sheets of steel these days, but from the moment the last car factory (Holden’s in Adelaide) turned off the production-line lights for the last time, Australians have been finding other ways of making a manufacturing future.

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